
How Do You Cook Sweet Corn In A Microwave

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, corn is the No. 1 crop grown in the country.

However, most of that corn, which is besides known equally field corn, is not eaten past people — it's turned into feed for cattle, pigs and other farm animals, as well as transformed into ethanol and used in manufactured goods.

The corn that humans eat off the cob is known to farmers as sweet corn and, different its heartier counterpart, it actually tastes, well, sweet.

Sweet corn is harvested at its peak when the tassels turn brownish, the husks are healthy and dark-green and the kernels are plump and sweet.

In most parts of the country, cooking sweet corn is synonymous with summertime. And whichever sugariness corn recipe folks prefer — from a sweet creamed corn to accompany barbecued meats or a hearty, sweet corn soup — in that location are plenty of ways to prep this popular veggie for the plate.

How to microwave sweetness corn

Microwaving sweet corn is a quick, easy and mess-free method. First, remove any dry out outer leaves from the husk. Place up to 4 ears of corn in the microwave in a unmarried layer. Melt them on loftier for 4 minutes. Remove the corn from the microwave with a kitchen mitt or thick towel, then let the ears cool slightly earlier peeling back their husks and removing the silks.

How to eddy sugariness corn

Humid corn is i of the easiest cooking methods. Getty Images

Bring a large pot of salted water to boil on the stove. Meanwhile, shuck the corn, removing both the husks and silks. Gently lower the sweetness corn into boiling h2o and cook for 4 minutes. When the corn is done, remove the ears and bleed on a paper towel before serving. To add flavor as the corn cooks, add butter, herbs, garlic or even milk directly into the pot of h2o.

How to sauté sweet corn

If yous're making salsa or a summery corn salad, it's a good idea to sauté only the kernels instead of cooking the unabridged cob.

Kickoff, shuck the corn, removing all of the husks and silks. Cut the kernels off of the cob (we love Ina Garten's corn-cutting play a joke on!). In a medium-sized skillet, melt butter (well-nigh 1 teaspoon of butter per cob) over medium estrus. Add the corn kernels, salt and pepper to sense of taste, and sauté for 8 to 10 minutes. Add fresh or stale herbs for additional season as the kernels cook.

How to roast sweet corn in the oven

Roasting corn in the oven is great if you don't have admission to a grill. Anton Eine / Getty Images

As with grilling corn, yous tin can roast sweet corn in the oven three different ways. For all variations, first preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

  • In the husks: Remove any dry, outer leaves and cut off whatever tassels sticking out of the husk (they will quickly burn in the oven). Identify the cobs in a unmarried layer, direct on an oven rack. Roast for 30 minutes and carefully remove them with tongs.
  • Without the husks: Shuck the corn, removing both the husks and the silks. Place them in a single layer directly on an oven rack. Roast the corn for xx minutes and advisedly remove them with tongs.
  • Wrapped in foil without the husks: If you are wrapping shucked ears of corn in foil, take this opportunity to create flavor packets by adding butter, spices and herbs to each. Showtime, shuck and clean the corn. Then wrap each cob in foil and place the foil-wrapped cobs straight on an oven rack. Roast for xx to 25 minutes and then carefully remove each packet with tongs.
Antoni's Summer Corn with Chorizo and Cilantro

How to blanch sweet corn and freeze it

Want to relish that wonderfully sweet summer corn throughout the wintertime? Freezing it is the reply! You can freeze unabridged cobs of sweet corn or you lot can freeze merely the kernels, which makes it easier to whip up recipes like homemade sweet corn queso all year long. Either manner, you'll demand to flinch the corn first.

Blanching is a procedure in which vegetables are submerged in boiling h2o and and so plunged into an ice bath to terminate the cooking procedure. Blanching cleans the corn of clay, helps information technology to retain its vibrant color and stops enzymes from causing spoilage, so it's amend than just freezing the raw stuff.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Meanwhile, fill a large basin with water and ice. Shuck the corn, removing both the husks and silks. Gently lower the corn cobs into the humid h2o and cook for three or four minutes. Remove the cobs with tongs and place them into the basin of water ice water immediately. Let them cool completely before cutting the kernels off and storing them in a freezer-rubber container. Don't forget to engagement and characterization that container and so y'all remember exactly what information technology is.


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